A question arises from this however. When we study history we see individuals at the forefront; and not the groups. We see George Washington; but rarely all the soldiers who fought under him. We recall Hitler, Napoleon, or Stalin but we do not recall the groups which fought under their direct orders. This has to do with two factors :
1)History tends to favor the view of the majority. If individualism is popular then the writings will be about individualism.
2)Simplicity - It is simpler to hold the idea of one name, instead of understanding something as deep as intergroup dynamics between colonial troops in a certain battle.

- Loner - An unachievable state. No one can ever truely be a loner. A loner is unattainable in realistic human society. To be a loner one must be completely isolated from ANY contact from the time they are born. As said this is mostly impossible. But the loner will have absolutely no true group influences; and thus be the most free and individualistic person on the planet.
- Isolationist - A member of a group that feels, or is being isolated from the group or groups which they are in. This can lead to positive or negative behaviors which are attention getting and attempt to get them back to a productive member of the group. Isolationists are the ones who tend to act out and do things which seem extreme to a few; but to those with in the same situation may seem logical.
- Groupie - A normal individual. Thinking based directly on their collective group influences. Fitting into society and doing nothing to really challenge it. 99.9% of individuals are Groupies.
- Escapists - The highest level of society is made up of Escapists. People who have left their mainstream groups in order to form their own groups. They are who we consider our leaders, the people who excel in society. While not always forming a personality cult they may in a way be the ideal figure for the group which is formed. Yet it is usually someone who just tends to think in a manner that is different then all of those around them. That said even Escapists will derive their ideas and new group culture from past culture. It is all recycled.
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