If we look at any symbol in the world we can find a specific history or relationship to a group of people behind it. There is no doubt that the massive amount of symbols which are created are attributed to a large group of well groups :).
There is not just one person randomly waving their own flag out in the middle of no where. Instead we gain a lot of people waving a lot of flags. Even when we HAVE an individual standing in a crowd with their own made sign or symbol it usually is due to a counter protest; and as mentioned before this is just an outlook of the sign from the group! :)
Major Importance

Symbology gives a direct reference to the adherence to the idea of Radical Groupism. With a symbol a lot of information can be quickly given with out further explaination. Why? Its because that group already understands the symbol.
What if you are wearing a Manchester United Jersey in the middle of a bunch of Redskin Fans? Well it is clear you are not being an individual! Even though these redskin fans do not FIND this symbol manful someone does. Ergo the symbol has a group behind it. In order to understand this relationship and mean fullness we must remove a few things from the equation.
First geographic location - It does not matter where someone is located. If a symbol is reminds them of some kind of group pride it is thus an idea of the group. Counter culture of a symbol; a smoking symbol with a ? behind it for example, could demonstrate a clear example of a sub culture which in itself! Is nothing but another group.

A good example is in the photo to the left. Who are the SCREAMING EAGLES? WELL! A D.C. United... wait who the hell are they? A US based pro soccer team fan club. They have their own symbols as they are a group with a prospective goal! Thus if you showed this symbol at say a Redskins game it would not have the same meaning or purpose.
Second subjectivity - People can misinterpret signs. But for simplicity the subjective nature should be removed from the equation. Most people IGNORE the signs around them. A T-Shirt or phrase will be ignored as it does not matter to their group thought. While others may be an important aspect of the group, and thus not ignored. However to understand the whole idea behind symbolical the subjective nature of symbols in a different location or major cultural group must be ignored. Failure to do so will bring about only the thinking of the major group; and thus a poor understanding of symbols.
In Summary
Symbols show the relationship and pride between a piece of art work and a group or organization. This helps secure the idea of Radical groupism by showing how items which mean NOTHING can be brought into a mainstream understanding by the work of a large body (and not an individual.)
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